Investing Analysis

Freeport McMoRan’s Oil Patch Tour

Warren Buffet once advised to buy into a business that any idiot can run, because sooner or later, one will. Harsh words from America’s...

E.J.’s Notes from the Wild, Wild West

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to have fun with your family, but it certainly helps. My family just returned from an...

The Monday Melee: Future Risk

De-Globalization and The Great Monetary Experiment: These are two major risks facing the world economy going forward, as highlighted by Swiss Re's new report, New emerging...

Economic Misfire

For as long as the economy has been crawling its way out of the last recession, economists and policymakers have been puzzled by the...

Cyclical Economic Dysfunction a Brewing Storm?

Two major cyclical indicators, construction (as pictured by housing starts and permits in the first chart below) and industrial production (chart 2 below) are...

3 Reasons Inflation Could Surprise

Investors and policymakers have been obsessed with the risk of deflation for so long that they may be missing the risk of higher inflation....

How to Buy a Boat: Part I

You know the saying: The two best days for a boat owner are the day he buys it and the day he sells it. Well...

The Monday Melee: Paris Air Show Extravaganza

The Boeing 787-9. The Paris Air Show: So far the Paris Air Show has been a success for the world's aircraft manufacturers. As The Wall Street...

This Has Never Ended Well

The latest quarterly update on consumer balance sheets, out yesterday from the Federal Reserve, shows that the net worth of households is closing in...

Mosquito Apartments

Anyone see a problem here? In Hong Kong apartments the size of a parking spot are selling for $516,000 reports the WSJ. The apartment, in...