Investing Analysis

Top 10 Mistakes #9

Most investors fail to make dividends their #1 priority. When it comes to stocks, if you are retired or saving for retirement within the next decade or so, dividends and dividend growth must dominate your thought process.

Don’t Miss the Boat: Investment Advisers See Inflow of $108 Billion

Many investors have already figured out what I advise: sending $108 billion into the top 3 custodians for investment advisers…

Top 10 Mistakes #10

In the coming weeks, I will lay out the 10 biggest potential tragedies and traps for investors this summer. Number 10 on my list is not recognizing that the recession is over. The media have largely missed the transition.

Protect your Portfolio from the Blindside

Investors who aren't taking the steps today to protect their portfolios from the risk of inflation are exposing their assets to a blind side.

The Magic Number

The magic number for retirement is four, as in a 4% annual draw on the initial balance of your retirement portfolio. Thus, if your portfolio totals $1 million, you draw $40,000 in year number one. In future years, you draw 4% or $40,000 annually, whichever is less.

A Strategy for the Current Stock Market Rally

The S&P 500 is up 15% since July 10 and up close to 50% from its March low. What’s the catalyst for recent gains? A strong…

The 401(k) is Broken

I remember, as if it were yesterday, being asked by a wealthy gentleman for some advice and being prohibited from helping him...I felt so bad for him.

Telling Stories

Last week, I wrote about a possible bubble developing in the Chinese stock market. If you missed it (we experienced some technical difficulties) you...

Earnings Will Soar

More than 75 million Americans began retiring last summer. And as a result of the ferocious 2008-2009 economic collapse, for thousands of them, retirement began a lot sooner than expected. Overall, jobs in the economy are being lost by the millions. See any winners here? I do, and big winners they will be.

Stock Valuations are Not Low

How can I say this best? Stock market valuations are not low. If you are retired or saving in hopes of retiring, you must laser focus on having a consistent flow of cold cash to pay the tab for your weekly grass-fed-to-the-end beef, fresh-ground flax, coconut milk loaded with medium-chain fatty acids, and omega-3-loaded Country Hen organic eggs.