By iQoncept @

There are six basic investing principles that, if followed diligently, can make you a winner. I wrote about these principles in the fall of 1991, and if you are one of my long-time readers who has stuck to them, like me you have achieved investment success. If you are a newcomer to the investing philosophy of Dick Young, I can tell you that this is how I operate, and it has worked for me year after year.

Here are the six principles that made me a winner in the investment battle:

Six Guiding Investment Principles

It’s a regimented, slow and steady progression. Not much spinning, but through the years, a lot of weaving. I’ve been a winner in the investment battle, and you can be a winner too, thanks to six basic investment principles:

  1. SAFETY: I don’t lose my money. I’ve not taken a meaningful loss in my near 30 years of investing; my biggest was for $5,000;
  2. DIVIDENDS: I emphasize dividends and interest;
  3. COMPOUND INTEREST: I place strong value on the power of compound interest;
  4. FEES: I pay few commissions and sales charges. Rarely do I take a big tax hit because I let my positions alone to grow;
  5. BALANCE: I balance my program rather evenly between U.S. Treasury securities investments and commons stock investments. I don’t try to outguess the markets;
  6. SIMPLICITY: I keep it real simple.

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