Your Survival Guy’s Super States map gives you a bird’s eye view of where to immediately look for a better America—one where you can raise your family, own a house, and have a job with the peace of mind you deserve. The American dream. But simply putting your finger on a map and moving is easier said than done.
We’re talking about a moving target here, where one election could make or break how life moves ahead in your neck of the woods. Believe me, there are plenty of nice places to live in blue states like Newport, RI, but the sky-high trend in real estate prices and exceedingly expensive cost of living are not for the average Joe. But that’s not you. You’re above average.
Not all blue states are created equal. If you want to live in Rhode Island, there are plenty of areas in the western part of the state that operate more red than blue, as is the case with several areas in New York state. It’s the big blue blob cities that take the air out of the room and suffocate residents.
Your Survival Guy has lived in plenty of blue states I could call home. But these days, it’s a combination of red state New Hampshire, blue Newport, Rhode Island, red Key West, Florida, blue Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, and extended stays in Paris. This isn’t a one size fits all endeavor. What’s clear is in areas like Newport, Key West, and Paris, the real estate market is pricing out the service industry. Will the key to the future simply be to follow where they choose to live?
In addition, No Go Zones engulf new neighborhoods with a speed only a politician, protected by armed guards, could love. How is that protecting the people? For those who want a better America, the price of admission is becoming increasingly expensive, and basic services are in decline. It will take private money—and a lot of it—to maintain the standard of living. It’s either that or a forced adjustment to a new way of life. No one wants either option.
Action Line: This is a trend moving like a freight train through a neighborhood near you. It’s been in the works for years—long before Covid. Covid was simply an accelerant. Protect your savings. Work until you can’t work any longer—crucial to your way of life. You can’t do it with your eyes closed and your head in the sand. It requires action. Stick with me. I’m on to something.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.