It’s been quite the week, wouldn’t you say? Speculators (I will not call them investors) are wondering what’s happening to their money, staring at their screens, thinking, “How could this happen to me?”
When they call their broker (not a fiduciary), they ask questions like “Bob, how are we doing?”
I spit out my coffee when I hear, “How are we doing?” Since when did this become “we?”, poor Bob wonders.
All is good when stocks go up, but when they go down? Someone’s to blame, right?
When I walk into my office on a tree-lined street, not a passerby knows what goes on inside. It’s nice. It’s nice walking into a quiet office where one can concentrate and not be interrupted by the fire hydrant of information distracting everyone else all day long.
My phone doesn’t ring unless a customer is calling me back. We smile at the chaos others are dealing with. We set our course months or years before and aren’t jumping in and out of positions. We developed a plan that’s right for you—not anyone else.
Action Line: Big price moves (opinions) are part of investing. If you aren’t comfortable, then let’s talk. I’m serious. Your peace of mind and comfort are worth too much.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.