Friends, how are we different? I’ll tell you. When you open a brokerage account at Fidelity, the world is your oyster. The account is in your name. When you add our discretionary authority to your account, you’re invested in individual stocks, among other areas. It’s like owning a perpetually curated Monster Master List from Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report.
You also might be invested in a ladder of individual bonds with set maturities. It’s a private spa, if you will. Not a mutual fund or ETF. Not a public pool full of spitters and splashers flailing around, buying and selling, like birds in a bath. When you invest in your own account at Fidelity with our guidance, you can have your cake and eat it too.
You’re seeing a generational opportunity with fixed income. Don’t miss the boat. Don’t let the search for the perfect time to get in keep you from taking action. Because the perfect time rarely arrives. It’s always some point off into the future. Your Survival Guy is interested in the action of compound interest. You can’t compound on the sidelines. And you don’t need too large a number to make it work wonders.
If you’re a highly successful person, a saver, and fairly wealthy, chances are we’d work real well together.
Action Line: Allow me to help you get what you deserve. I’m here for you.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.