Your Survival Guy’s under immense pressure. (I thought you’d enjoy reading that). But it’s real. I can feel it. And I’m not talking about investing. I can handle that kind of pressure. No, I’m talking about planning for holiday weekends and special anniversaries.
One evening this week, Your Survival Guy was in the kitchen sipping a glass of white, listening to music, and washing vegetables when Your Survival Gal asked, “Have you thought about our anniversary?” I looked up for a moment, staring into space, wondering how one might respond.
“Yes,” I said, hoping someone might come in asking if they could use the car.
“You know it’s a big one,” she said. “25 years.”
Thirty minutes later, sitting there scanning prices for places we “might” want to go and feeling the pressure, I realized, this is no way to celebrate. Thankfully, we shifted gears to what “we’re” going to do for the Fourth of July “Because, you know, so and so will be away,” she said.
More pressure. What are we going to do? And allow me to make a side note. The other night when I mentioned to our kids, who still live upstairs, “Mom and I might go away for a couple nights,” their eyes lit up with the joy of Christmas morning.
Action Line: There’s always pressure to “do something.” That’s no way to live or to invest.
P.S. Remember, as Vanguard founder Jack Bogle said, sometimes it’s best to “Don’t just do something, stand there.”
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.