By Ilja @ Adobe Stock

Your Survival Guy’s family does its best to live a green life. We recycle. But apparently, when it comes to breaking down cardboard boxes, that’s a one-man job—mine.

I don’t remember signing up for this job. The boxes just pile up in the foyer. Then, when I trip over one and ask if “I” can take them out to the garage, I’m answered as if it is “my” job: “No leave that I need to return it.”

Then there’s the humiliation of the blue recycling bin. Yes, I know how to recycle. But that doesn’t stop the city from slapping a “how to recycle” sticker on my blue bin. It’s embarrassing. And it’s seen by the entire neighborhood. You wouldn’t believe my relief when the garbage truck drives away without hauling me off with it.

Now, not to talk out of school, but there’s two kinds of people in my house. Those who don’t break down boxes and those who don’t really break down boxes. Both types hope it doesn’t get too full. You and I know hope is not a strategy.

Breaking down boxes or “Hey, let’s see if I can try not to slip while holding a box cutter” isn’t for everyone. At my house, it’s just for me.

Action Line: Ahhh, families. It’s doing what others won’t that keeps them together. I’m here when you want to talk about your family.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.