March 11, 2010
Caroline Baum writes that 83% of Americans would support term limits in the House and Senate. Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina has introduced a “Term Limits for All” constitutional amendment. His amendment would limit every House member to three terms and every senator to
The reelection rate in the House is close to 95%, and in the Senate it is 88%. The advantage of incumbency and the rigging of congressional districts has created the “career politician.” Our Founding Fathers wouldn’t approve. Career congressmen and senators wield too much influence in the Capitol. They cozy up to lobbyists who support their campaigns in return for political favors. And they worry more about getting reelected than serving the best interests of their constituents.
Senator DeMint’s amendment would go a long way toward fixing the dysfunctional system in Washington. You can support a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits by signing the petition at