The Anti-ESG Movement Has Begun

You have read here, here, here, and elsewhere from Your Survival Guy about the dangers posed by ESG investing. Now a movement of investors...

The Painful Truth for ESG Investors

You have undoubtedly seen the glossy product brochures for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) funds. They promise strong performance and the chance to impact...

ESG Creator: “It’s a Marketing Mania”

The ESG market is in upheaval after researchers at Morningstar recently stripped 1,200 funds of their ESG designations, and many major funds are suffering...

ESG Managers Fail the China Test

You know by now that ESG fund managers are using investor dollars to pursue their own political goals. That's why Your Survival Guy encourages...

ILLEGAL? ESG Is Strangling Oil Exploration, and May Break the Law

You know that the so-called "Masters of the Universe" at Wall Street's big money managers have taken it upon themselves to use their influence...

Is Your “Wealth Adviser” a Fiduciary? Here’s How to Find Out

How do you know when you’re working with a fiduciary—someone who by law is required to do right by you? Well, you can ask....

I Can’t Believe I’m Agreeing with George Soros, Here’s Why: Part II

You know I'm no fan of George Soros, (especially since he gave $1 million to reelect Gavin Newsom) but when it comes to BlackRock...

BlackRock Wants Investors with a “Shared Vision”

Do you share BlackRock CEO Larry Fink's "vision?" BlackRock wants investors committed to a "shared vision to transfer to a low-carbon economy." The company's...

We Three Kingmakers: These Firms Control Almost Everything

Three firms are gathering enough control over the stock market that if they are aligned on a corporate board decision, there's almost no way...

It’s a Trap: High Fees Hamstring ESG Returns

Investors love the idea of helping the world out with their investing dollars. That has made selling ESG funds easy for the world's largest...