dick youngYou may look at my headline with a touch of disbelief, and, to be honest, I would most often join you in the disbelief camp. But I can assure you without reservation that the steps I am going to outline for you in my “How to Become a Millionaire” series can be truly transformational for you and your family.

I have practiced the program I will outline for you for over four decades. Over the decades, I have taken fewer than a handful of significant losses in my personal account. The last such unpleasant outcome occurred over a half a dozen years ago when I cleared out a portfolio position related to an analyst with whom I no longer wished to be associated.

In most years I do not have a transaction in my account that would generate either a gain or a loss. Given what you have already read from me, it should be clear that you probably are not familiar with anyone else who could have written these words. I hope we are off to a compelling start in my “How to Become a Millionaire” series.

In part two, I will introduce you to the two most important words in investing. If you learn nothing else from me but these two words, you certainly will be far ahead of where you were before you began your journey through “How to Become a Millionaire.”