Happy first Monday of 2022. Your Survival Guy’s gas stove is broken. Not a great way to start the week. But the good news is there’s still natural gas. We have heat. This isn’t like the disaster a few years ago where we lost heat on the coldest day of the year due to a disaster with the supply of natural gas. This is a “me” problem (the best kind for you). A piece to our gas stove pilot is shot and needs replacing.
Now, Your Survival Guy’s gas stove happens to be an Aga. You know those porcelain stoves in an English farmhouse with doors on the front, cooktops, and a chimney? That’s us. It’s always on, until it’s not, and then it’s a cold brick in your kitchen. But when it’s on, it’s on, and it warms up the room with heat and soul like a member of the family. It’s wonderful.
So, no Aga stove this morning. It feels like 22 outside with a chance of snow around 2pm. Not a big deal to Your Survival Guy. Perfect situation to build a fire outside, hand grind some coffee beans, and boil some water. Let’s not go crazy. I still have electricity. And the electric carafe my mom got my daughter for Christmas to use at college to boil water was a lifesaver for the best lemon with turmeric powder I’ve had in weeks. Yum.
This morning was sort of a forced intermittent fasting morning. Good. I need it. No fried eggs. Just a handful of vitamins, and off we go. Happy New Year.
Action Line #1: If you have a gas stove, imagine it breaks down temporarily, but you still have electricity. Will you be able to go about your day in a somewhat usual way? It doesn’t cost a lot to set yourself up for success. I know we’re just talking about boiling water, but you get my point.
Action Line #2: The first Monday, or the first week or month, of a new year, is a perfect time to make your investing plans. You’re fresh. You’re optimistic. And think about it, if you don’t do it now and wait until this time next year, you’ll be a year older. Let’s get after it. Every month is an opportunity to avoid the mistakes you made last month. Don’t let them fester. Don’t allow your inertia to hold you back from making the choices you know are necessary to achieve your goals. If you are serious about reaching your potential and need an extra push, click here to sign up for my free monthly Survive & Thrive newsletter. I’ll help motivate you to reach success. But only if you’re serious.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.