This morning, Your Survival Guy would like to clarify a few housekeeping items for you regarding transferring your accounts from Vanguard to Fidelity. When you make the transfer, there is no cost, and if you own my favored Wellington and/or Wellesley funds, you simply transfer them over as is or “in-kind.” There’s no cost, and once you’re at Fidelity, you can hold the positions for as long as you want.
As an aside, you can read about my client’s relationship with his grandfather and how it was cemented through the Wellington fund.
When you decide to become a client of Richard C. Young & Co., Ltd., we’ll work with your account at Fidelity or help you create one and transfer your assets over from Vanguard. That doesn’t mean you need to sell Vanguard Wellington or Wellesley. You can keep them, and we’ll invest the portion of your portfolio you want us to manage.
Rest assured, you will be able to monitor the positions you want to keep right alongside the ones we choose for you. This is a relationship business. We want to make sure this works for you.
Action Line: Investing for you is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. It’s why you and I talk and discuss how you want your portfolio to look. I’ll offer my expert guidance.
When you’re ready to talk, let’s talk. Is there anything more serious than how your money is handled? Whoever says it’s only money need not apply.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.