Value, dividends, interest, and compounding have formed the foundation I have given to my investment subscribers and consulting clients since 1964.
For the first time since I began following the guidance of Ben Graham back in the early 1960s, I am able today to invest in some dividend payers that would have put a smile on Ben’s face. For me and I hope for each of my longtime clients, there is much to be thankful for. There is a bright light at the end of the current long, dark tunnel.
I don’t expect in my lifetime to see such values again. And I do not plan to miss one minute on the hunt for dividends.
In Key West, only a scant 90 miles from Cuba, Debbie and I are beavering away seven days a week. With temps in the mid-80s, we awaken to roosters (you should here ‘em) crowing way before dawn.
So 7 days a week, 3X a day we choke down Liposomal vitamin C and active trans Resveratrol, and usually walk two blocks (mostly alone) to Eaton Street Seafood. Usually mavericks, Key Westers seem to be taking social distancing seriously.
Make it as good a day as you can.
Thanks to Donald Trump’s foresight on the scourge that is China, the folly of open borders, the mathematical naiveté of free trade, and the “America Last” fraud of globalization, America will snap back like a catapulted Navy Super Hornet off a carrier deck.
You can count it.
Warm regards,