By Image Point Fr @

If you’re a parent, don’t be upset with me for asking: Do you have an investment plan? Because I get it. You’re busy. Between dealing with homework, sports and summer, there’s not much time. But there needs to be.

When you find yourself doing the math to remember how old you are, you might be at a point where some financial housekeeping is in order. Time slips away, fast. And it would be a terrible thing to waste when you can make some solid moves today to put your retirement on solid ground.

For example, when you’re younger and still reading to your children before bedtime, you’re probably too young to own bonds. But when you find yourself going to bed before the kids, it’s certainly time to start thinking about bonds. Why? Because as the kids get older, your peace of mind becomes a rare commodity.

And when peace of mind is more difficult to come by, having some bonds will go a long way to improving it, especially when it comes to your money.


Originally posted on Your Survival Guy