Monthly Archives: October, 2011

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A Country in Decline

Newport, Rhode Island, is a wonderful place to visit this time of year. The crisp air is rejuvenating. The sun reflects brilliantly off the...

Did the Fed Just Signal QE3?

Are you ready for another round of reckless money printing from the most activist Federal Reserve in U.S. history? Last week, the doves (easy...

What We’re Reading 10-21-11

Is There a Tea Party Investment Portfolio?, Matt Krantz, USA Today Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis, Ron Paul, The Wall Street Journal Cain's Stimulating...

A Truly Terrifying Chart

The chart below is the spread between French and German government bonds. Equity markets have rallied on hopes that an American-styleshock and awe bailout...

3 Reasons Dividends Trump Buybacks

In September, Warren Buffett announced that the Berkshire Hathaway board authorized a multibillion-dollar share-buyback program. Berkshire shares soared as much as 12% on the...


A Word on Stocks

The Wealthy Are Joining the Cutback Club

Andrew Keshner of MarketWatch reports that people who make...

Is Vanguard Too Big? What’s Next?

You know Your Survival Guy has some questions about...

U.S. Gas-Fired Electricty Generation Hits Record High

The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that July's heatwave...

Having Fun Yet? Nasdaq Worst Day in Years

“A stock-market selloff intensified Wednesday, wiping out hundreds of...

