The Terror of Outliving Your Money
The terror of outliving your money has now taken hold for too many investors. It’s not hard to see why, given that discerning investors remember like yesterday the 1965-1981 16-year bear market, where the Dow ended up at 875, 10% lower than its 1965 peak of 969.
International Investing & Taxes
Are you aware of the tax implications of international investing? When you invest in foreign securities, even those listed on U.S. exchanges, your investment...
WARNING! Avoid the Catastrophic Thinking of Retirement Investing
Ah, retirement. Congratulations. You made it. Whether you got here by selling your business or working your way through corporate America, you’ve made it...
Retirement Arithmetic
Are you planning an early retirement? We urge you to check out our retirement income arithmetic before you hurry off into the sunset. Let’s...
Bond Funds
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal by Jonathan Clements highlighted the advantages of low-cost bond funds.
Jonathan correctly points out that low-cost bond...