By Frederic Legrand – COMEO @

Escape to New York City

It sure is nice to change your latitude every now and then—New York City in this case—where, if you live in New England, you don’t have to go too far to change your attitude, or have it changed for you.

Such was the case this weekend which included an exciting industry conference, a somber visit to the 9/11 Memorial, and as the name to Jimmy Buffett’s musical implies, an Escape to Margaritaville.

Let’s Talk about that Attitude

When I was a kid my dad was a real estate broker. I remember him saying how important a positive attitude was for his business. “You want people to want to talk with you,” he would say.  When we would go to Boston for a long weekend as a family, he would attend a real estate conference one of the days. At the end of the weekend, on the ride home, he would say that as helpful as the industry knowledge was that he’d gain from that trip, the most important takeaway was how excited he was to go back to work. Relating with others in his line of work helped recharge his batteries and maintain his positive attitude.

Which is why I accepted the invitation to be a judge at an investment conference hosted and run by Quinnipiac University students in New York City. As the website explains: The largest student-run financial conference in the world, Quinnipiac’s Global Asset Management Education (G.A.M.E.) Forum offers participants the rarest of opportunities: the chance to discuss and debate financial best practices with world-renowned industry leaders.

About that Nor’easter

But before leaving for New York my attitude was that of concern, as the fourth Nor’easter in two weeks threatened to delay our trip.

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