As I wrote to you yesterday, big government is coming after you. Today, law abiding Rhode Islanders who own a gun with a magazine that can hold more than ten rounds are felons. Wait a second. What just happened?
Last June, RI’s General Assembly passed a law banning all magazines holding more than ten rounds. The governor signed it into law. There was a six month grace period to turn in the “illegal” mags to local law enforcement (which, by the way, also makes you a target because they’re keeping records of those who turn them in, in case the law is overturned and you want them back).
The penalty for owning one of the banned magazines in Rhode Island is now up to a $5,000 fine and five years in prison.
Overnight law-abiding citizens are now felons for doing nothing. But here’s the kicker. A lawsuit was filed against the state. An Obama appointed judge let the new law stand. That’s how a one-man band takes away a constitutional right.
How long, if ever, will the case take to get to the Supreme Court? Will the state come up with a new law if it’s overturned? Will the state continue to step on the necks of law-abiding citizens with this “win?” You can bank on it.
If you want to fly, you need to consider the experience of your pilots since some airlines have turned “woke” with ESG policies—hiring anyone with a pulse to captain the ship. Apparently, meeting equity and diversity standards is more pressing than your safety. It’s one of the reasons I’ve decided to fly private, if at all, and use someone I trust to get my family from A to B. Yes, you can put a price on your peace of mind and comfort.
The disasters, all man-made, are always the most to be feared. The government used a $400k Sidewinder missile to shoot down a $13 hobby club’s weather experiment. That’s the equivalent of popping a $0.01 party balloon with a shotgun slug while playing pin the tail on the donkey, lawyering up after burning hazardous chemicals, and ruining the water supply in East Palestine. ESG lets kids play with Boeing 777s. And straw men strip law abiding citizens of their Second Amendment rights.
Action Line: Take care of your family. Find your Super State. Be self-reliant. When you’re ready to talk about how to protect your assets, let me know.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.