If they’re going to penalize you for saving, you had better learn how to play their game. Because indebted Americans are their bread and butter.
Charging outrageous interest rates on credit card debt and paying zero on savings is one of the ways they stick it to you. And imagine all the information they have on you. It’s scary to say the least. That’s why I want you to stop playing their game.
If you’re in debt, I want you to devise a plan to get out of it. Whether it’s a six-month, one-year, five-year, or ten-year plan, I want you out of debt. Because when the world can change literally overnight, I don’t want you on the list of debtors. I don’t want you on their radar screen.
How can being a debtor be a good thing? The pressure of holding debt is immense. The relief you’ll feel getting out of it is worth every single penny you save.
Action Line: Remove yourself from their radar. Get out of debt. Come up with a plan today. We can do this.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.