By fizkes @

You don’t get to choose a lot of things in life. In times like these, we’re always thinking of loved ones. We look at the world today and wonder what it will be like for them when we’re gone. How will our children survive, when being a productive citizen is frowned upon?

Believe me, your instinctual focus on your family is always correct—because they need your guidance. You just need to give it. Your children will always be your children.

In my conversations with you, you’re telling me how worried you are about their futures. In many cases, you’re telling me how successful they are in their own lives, but you’re worried about them. You’re worried about who will guide them when you’re no longer a guaranteed voice of reason.

The hardest part about being a parent is, you can’t take your emotions out of the equation. Tough love is hard. You’re so damn raw with emotion—the weight of the unknowns creates paralysis. I feel your pain.

You and I are having wonderful conversations about your children during this crisis. You’re telling me about them like no one else can—or would be expected to—because you love them unconditionally. Your tone of voice, not your words, gives me the emotional connection. It’s bracing and powerful, and packed with pressure for me to work for you from purely a non-emotional standpoint.

That’s what being a good advisor is all about, don’t you think? It has nothing to do with beating a stupid stock index (Read more on that here, here, here, and here). What more can you ask for from your advisor than the thoughtfulness and care your loved ones deserve? Thoughtfulness and care that will not be overrun by emotions.

Action line: You can help a loved one beat the mighty foe of inertia. It’s simple yet hard to do—I know—especially when emotions run as high as they are today. We’ll get through this together, I promise you. If you need help pushing through inertia and reaching your personal and financial security goals, get serious today. Click here to sign up for my monthly Survive and Thrive newsletter. But only if you’re serious.


Originally posted on Your Survival Guy