Investment Strategy

Know Thyself: “Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There”

“Don’t just do something, stand there,” is one of my favorite quotes by the late, great Jack Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group. In...

Dreaming of Queen Mary 2, MJ, and YOU

Earlier this month, the ocean liner Queen Mary 2 was anchored in Newport. “I know you,” I thought to myself, remembering the Atlantic crossing...

With Stocks Up, How’s Your Portfolio Risk?

With stocks having a banner year, today may be a good time to look at your overall asset allocation. Do you have enough bond...

Are You Ready to Calculate Your Income Potential?

You read here about how hard it can be to spend money, especially in retirement. It’s not easy for successful Americans on Main Street,...

What the Fed Rate Cut Means to You: Part III

With the return on cash and money markets coming down, expect investors to look for ways to replace the juicy yields they’ve become accustomed...

What the Fed Rate Cut Means to You: Part II

Remember when former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan was referred to as “The Maestro” conducting the economy to a soft landing during the 90s? The...

You’re Ignorant, Learn to Know the Answers

When you invest in a passive index, is it passive? The idea behind “passive” is that the stock market is “efficient,” and that there...

A Word on Stock Prices and Their Nephew

A word on stock market prices and their nephew past performance. When investors pile into the S&P 500 the way so many do—automatically with...

When You Should Be a Buyer, not a Seller: Part III

Is your Vanguard Wellington fund’s outlook, OK? In a word, yes. But what does that mean for investors in the fund? You know from...

Is the 60/40 Balanced Portfolio Model Broken?

You may have read the recent WSJ article on the perils of the 60/40 portfolio model, where 60% is stocks and 40% is bonds....