This Money Market Fund is Paying 47 Times More than its Competition
Fidelity investments may be sparking a war among money market funds by offering a 1.91% yield on money in new brokerage and retirement accounts....
New Jersey Taking Small Steps to Pension Reform. Is it too Little too Late?
America's pension systems are in trouble. Here's a little sample of what's gone wrong:
Illinois: New Governor, Same Old Pension Pyramid Scheme
Is Your...
Could Colleges be Forced to Share the Risk of their Students’ Success?
A new proposal by the White House could force colleges and universities to share in the risk of their students' defaults on federally funded...
Does Your Investment Advisor Take Legal Kickbacks behind Your Back?
When you seek investment council be sure you work with an investment boutique that’s required by law to act as your fiduciary.
Ask the question:...
Your Questions, My Answers: Custodial Accounts and Gifts to Minors
Considering a monetary gift for your grand-kids for Christmas? They will certainly be happy, but you should read through this piece I wrote back...
Separate Your Insurance from Your Investments
The WSJ does a deep dive on the problems some are now facing with Universal Life Insurance. Universal Life became popular in the 1980s...
Common Social Security Myths Debunked
For a government program, Social Security is complex. There are many rules and just as many misconceptions. Fidelity debunks five common social security myths....
These 7 States have the Highest Concentrations of Millionaires
A million bucks doesn’t go as far as it used to, but it is still a lot of money. Nationally, only 5.8% of households...
How do Millennials’ Finances Stack up Against Gen-X?
Researchers at the St. Louis Federal Reserve were tired of trying to decipher contradictory evidence on Millennial finances, so they decided to run their...
If You do this, Will You Improve Your Happiness?
“Americans are devoted to the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, research shows that many of us don’t actually know what makes us happy, so we...