In times like these, you can’t afford to fight other people’s social crusades. Vanguard has announced a new ESG bond fund. You need to know the pitfalls of ESG and avoid them.
Vanguard has announced:
We’re pleased to announce that Vanguard ESG U.S. Corporate Bond ETF (VCEB) is now available. This latest addition to our ESG (environmental, social, and governance) offerings was designed to complement our equity lineup of ETFs and mutual funds, satisfy evolving investor preferences, and enhance our low-cost approach.
It’s time for Vanguard to get back to its roots. The venerable firm, founded by John Bogle, was, for a long time, a refuge for investors weary of the high-fee, high-commission products being sold to them by Wall Street brokers.
Today, Vanguard has grown into a monster.
Learn more about why Vanguard is too big, and why you invest, but they win.
Action Line: When the firm you trust isn’t being straight with you, it’s time you take control. Meet me here every day of the week, and we’ll fight for the truth. And, if you can’t make it every day, click here to sign up for my weekly email alert to get all the best sent to you each Friday.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.