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In my conversations with you, it’s obvious to me if you were a reader of Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report. It’s fun when you start telling me a few of your holdings, and I can rattle off the next two or three without seeing your statements.

That was a conversation I had this week with a father and son. We laughed. It’s good to see solid advice being passed down to the next generation.

In a conversation with a doctor client yesterday, he was in the airport about to board with his family. He’s taking them on a tour of Asia. He said, “I’m glad you advised me to keep working part-time and not retire years ago. I don’t think I would be able to afford this trip otherwise.”

In a conversation with Dick Young yesterday, he told me about a big treasury purchase he was making. As you can see, not a whole lot has changed. He’s doing what he writes. When investors join, they often say, “I wish I joined a long time ago.” It’s like a homecoming when you do.

One piece of advice I’ll give to you today is don’t wait too long to understand what it’s like to work with a fiduciary. (Read: Your Simple Investment Advisor Checklist 1, 2, 3). You want to kick the tires and get a feel for what it’s like to work with a fiduciary. Then, you’ll know that when you’re no longer around, your spouse will be taken care of by those you trust.

Action Line: I want to talk with you. Let’s set up a meeting. Email me at I’ll know you’re serious.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.