David Milliken of Reuters report that after a 32-year hiatus that vinyl records are making their way back into Britain inflation charts. He writes:
Vinyl records will re-enter Britain’s inflation charts for the first time in 32 years this month, as part of the annual shake-up of the basket of goods and services used to calculate the pace of price rises.
The change in the Office for National Statistics’ inflation basket offers a snapshot of shifts in Britons’ tastes and needs.
“Often the basket reflects the adoption of new technology, but the return of vinyl records shows how cultural revivals can affect our spending,” ONS statistician Matt Corder said. […]
Other signs of a trend towards healthier or more fastidious eating include the addition of sprayable cooking oil, rice cakes and gluten-free bread.
In total, the ONS added 16 items and removed 15 from the basket of 744 different goods and services.
Read more here.