My clients tell me, “That’s why I hired you.” They say it when I explain why we’re buying or selling certain positions. “That’s why I hired you.”
One of my long-time doctor clients tells me, “I do what I do. You do what you do.” When he says to me, “I’ll leave that to you,” I know he’s thinking, “That’s why I hired you.”
Now, Your Survival Guy is no doctor. I can’t fix your teeth, hips, or knees. But I do specialize in pain relief. Because amazingly, with a few investment tweaks here and there, I may help bring back your beautiful smile or put a jump in your step.
Sometimes, we don’t even know miracles are being performed. It’s easy to get off track. Getting back to who you are is what life is all about. No one likes losing money. No one likes pain. But it’s a common refrain I hear when reviewing prospective client portfolios: “I don’t know why I bought that one.”
I do. Because it’s hard to feel like you’re missing out on the next big thing, and when you talk to a broker (not a fiduciary) to buy it, there’s a lot of nodding and “Yes ok, sounds good.”
Portfolios are littered with “can’t miss opportunities” that did miss. That’s why one of the more important things your fiduciary can do for you is tell you “No.” We don’t like hearing “No.” But hearing the word “No” or a gentler “I don’t love the idea” can avoid one saying: “Send lawyers, guns, and money.”
Action Line: Often, it’s what you don’t do that keeps you in the game. When you’re ready to talk, let’s talk.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.