Monthly Archives: July, 2009

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Savers are Terrified

Despite pockets of strength, the bear market in stocks staggers on, eyeing, with an increasing daily concern, the RPM’s (Radical Progressive Movement) sweeping program of socialism and quasi central government nationalization. The stock market hated the Bush-fronted neo-con disaster, and rightfully, is even more scared of the “Chicago Cabal.”

Your Tax Dollars at Work

From 1995 through 2006, corn subsidies in the U.S. totaled $56.2 billion, and this spring farmers seeded the second largest amount of land with corn in more than 60 years. According to the WSJ, “The Obama administration is pushing a big expansion in ethanol, including a mandate to increase the share of the corn-based fuel required in gasoline from 10% to 15%. Apparently, no one in the administration has read a pair of new studies, one from its own EPA, that exposes ethanol as a bad deal for consumers with little environmental benefit.”

A 0.01% Money Market Yield

I just checked the yield on my money market fund. How does 0.01% sound to you? Sounds to me like the mid term GPA average for the Delta House gang back at Dean Wormer’s fictional Faber College.


A Word on Stocks

The Wealthy Are Joining the Cutback Club

Andrew Keshner of MarketWatch reports that people who make...

Is Vanguard Too Big? What’s Next?

You know Your Survival Guy has some questions about...

U.S. Gas-Fired Electricty Generation Hits Record High

The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that July's heatwave...

Having Fun Yet? Nasdaq Worst Day in Years

“A stock-market selloff intensified Wednesday, wiping out hundreds of...

