Your Survival Guy and Gal were in Boston not too long ago to celebrate my sister’s 50th birthday. Spending time with her and my brother-in-law was what we needed. It’s hard to believe we all have left 50-years to our stern, but such is life. I know some of you are thinking, “You’re just kids!” but you know what I mean.
The time between our visits is longer than it used to be when our kids were younger, but the memories continue to compound like money in the bank. It feels like just yesterday when my sister and I were vacationing with our parents—our family—in Fort Wilderness, sailing in Buzzards Bay or Vineyard Sound, skiing in New England or Canada with other families, and spending time with our extended family and friends during the holidays.
Action Line: Life is a compounding miracle. By simply putting one foot in front of the other, good things tend to happen. But it is a whirlwind. I’m here when you’re ready to talk about your journey.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.