Monthly Archives: July, 2014

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The Monday Melee: Euro Hits New 2014 Lows

  What we're reading: Mark Cuban talks before he thinks. On Tax Inversions: "If You Move Overseas, I’m Selling Your Stock" (MoneyBeat) Talk about solar power. This...

The Only Stocks We Buy

You read last week about putting margin of safety to work in your portfolio. I told you about three strategies we use to pick...

Words from the Wise

Richard Russell's timeless Rich Man, Poor Man has been there for me when I needed some perspective. I hope it will do the same...

The Shocking Truth Behind Falling Treasury Yields

There is an odd dynamic in the bond market that Wall Street can’t seem to figure out. Long-term Treasury yields are falling despite an...

The Calm Before the Storm

You don't have to be able to predict the future to be a successful investor. But being armed with battle hardened advice can certainly help you become one.


A Word on Stocks

The Wealthy Are Joining the Cutback Club

Andrew Keshner of MarketWatch reports that people who make...

Is Vanguard Too Big? What’s Next?

You know Your Survival Guy has some questions about...

U.S. Gas-Fired Electricty Generation Hits Record High

The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that July's heatwave...

Having Fun Yet? Nasdaq Worst Day in Years

“A stock-market selloff intensified Wednesday, wiping out hundreds of...

