Monthly Archives: December, 2015

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The 2016 Stock Market Outlook

Where are stocks headed in 2016? Will one of the longest bull markets on record finally come to an end in 2016 or is...

Adam Smith and the Prudent Man

From the WSJ: Adam Smith, “The Theory of Moral Sentiments” (1759): The prudent man always studies seriously and earnestly to understand whatever he professes to understand,...

The Monday Melee: Headwinds for Manufacturing

Manufacturing Corporation Sales Down 3 of Last 4 Months Steelmakers Hurting USAToday reports: Steelmakers are suffering their worst downturn in at least 15 years, partly because oil...

This Chart Should Scare You

Below you are looking at a chart of the S&P 500 versus the Merrill Lynch High Yield Index. High yield bonds have had a...

Fed Ends Historic Era by Raising Rates

The Fed ended seven-years of sitting on its hands by finally raising interest rates. Really? One will have to look pretty hard to actually...


A Word on Stocks

The Wealthy Are Joining the Cutback Club

Andrew Keshner of MarketWatch reports that people who make...

Is Vanguard Too Big? What’s Next?

You know Your Survival Guy has some questions about...

U.S. Gas-Fired Electricty Generation Hits Record High

The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that July's heatwave...

Having Fun Yet? Nasdaq Worst Day in Years

“A stock-market selloff intensified Wednesday, wiping out hundreds of...

