Dick Young

“Happy I found Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report all those years ago,” you told me yesterday. “Because we wouldn’t be talking this morning about investing if I hadn’t. Your father-in-law’s monthly letters kept us on track. He kept us focused on saving and compound interest.”

That wasn’t the first time I’d heard that. And what many of you tell me is how much you loved the opening paragraph and how that kept you interested. I know how much time and effort Dick and Debbie put into the opening because I was around the house when they were working on it. It was usually said with excitement, “Wait til you see what we’re working on.” And yes, the rest of the letter offered advice on how to make your investment dreams come true so you could afford to go to places like the Inn at Little Washington. I’m happy to report that many of you can, have, or will.

Simple yet sophisticated. Prudent Man advice. Interest on interest. Patience. Every month like clockwork, you got advice from Dick Young that you would have been comfortable explaining to your five-year-old grandchild. Simplicity. That was the beauty of his advice, and it still is, as I’m seeing your success up close and personal.

I remember once talking with Dick in his home office and being drawn to the shelves full of three-ring binders, each one loaded with past issues of The Intelligence Report and meticulously typed-out notes preserved in plastic protectors. “Are those all notes and past issues?” I asked. “Of course,” he said, answering a question with a question, “You don’t think this comes out of thin air, do you?”

Part of me wondered if it did because I know we read some of the same stuff, and I wasn’t putting that down on paper like he was.

His organizational skills were and still are off the charts. I know this because I get emails all day long that start like this: “Survival Guy, did you see this?” and end something like this: “Let me know.” Like little term paper assignments all through the day. It’s like sipping from a fire hydrant.

Action Line: When you’ve been doing this for over 50 years, like he has, and putting your money where your mouth is, good things tend to happen. I know because I see it all day long. I want to hear your investment story. When you’re ready to talk, I’m here.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.