From what’s going on at Vanguard these days, you might wonder if anyone remembers the company’s famous founder and investment legend, Jack Bogle. Vanguard has strayed from Bogle’s original thinking.
What this means to you if you’re at Vanguard is that you should be paying close attention. Are you being emailed about new products or advice? Understand that the index fund industry’s race to zero fees has turned the product into a commodity. For Vanguard, new products are about finding other streams of revenue, not fulfilling Bogle’s vision.
Your Survival Guy thinks the push for other streams of revenue has clouded the mission at Vanguard, and it spells trouble.
Management at Vanguard is trying to do too much. Bogle told investors, “Don’t just do something, stand there.” And he meant it. Trying to do too much can kill a company. It can also kill a good investment portfolio.
Action Line: Beware of companies trying to do too much. You want to work with someone focused entirely on you. When you’re ready, let’s talk. In the meantime, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.