
A Threat to the Muni Union

It turns out that not only is the adoption of a right-to-work (RTW) law in states good for business, but even the threat of...

106% Profits—in Bonds

With stocks rising virtually uninterrupted since the end of August and doubling from their March 2009 lows, you may be kicking yourself for not...

A Low-Risk Inflation Hedge

The conventional wisdom is that bonds are a terrible investment when inflation accelerates. The theory is that rising inflation causes interest rates to rise...

The Bear Market in Long Bonds

Soaring long bond yields have pushed the PIMCO 25+ Year Zero Coupon U.S. Treasury Index ETF down 26% from its August high. Investors who...

Interest Rates Surge

Long-term interest rates are surging. After falling below 2.40% in October, the ten year T-note yield has risen to 3.26%--an increase of 86 basis...

Municipal Bonds Plummeting

Muni bonds are cratering. The iShares National Municipal Fund is down more than 5% since the beginning of November. Rising long-term interest rates, a...

Stock Market Bulls on Shaky Ground

The chorus of bullish stock-market pundits on CNBC has become deafening in recent months. The justification for buying stocks that I hear most often...

TIPS Signal Higher Inflation

The bond market made history this week: investors paid to lend the government money. The government may want to throw a parade. Investors shouldn’t....

TIPS: Paying to Lose?

What would you pay for inflation protection? Investors buying Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) are now willing to pay as much as 0.37% annually...