ETFs & Funds

Bond ETF’s Fair Weather Liquidity Poses Risks

In the Financial Times, Tatjana Puhan explains how heavy trading of ETF bond funds could lead to lower liquidity during times of market stress....

Can ESG Work Without a Bubble?

Can an investing model created to supply certain companies with easy money work when there isn't a bubble in the market? That's the suggestion...

DON’T GET BIT: Careful When Investing with the Big Dogs

Investing with the big money management firms might not always work out for individual investors. Read below the experience of one investor who faced...

The Truth About S&P 500 Index Funds Is Revealed

Investors who loaded up on S&P 500 index funds are beginning to understand the truth behind the S&P 500. Big component companies like Disney,...

The Masters of the Universe Align Themselves with CHINA Using YOUR Money?

BlackRock now manages over $10 trillion in assets. Its funds are among the three largest shareholders in more than 80% of the companies in...


You know that you can't have it all. You can't say one thing and do another. That's the fastest way to break the trust...

Why Bond Mutual Funds and ETFs No Longer Work

OK, third-quarter report cards are in, and investors want to know how they did. But perhaps just as important, they want to know the...

Why Mutual Funds and ETFs No Longer Work

Look, I know a lot of you own Mutual Funds and ETFs, especially if you’re wrapped up with an advisor where you invest, he...

IT’S A GAMBLE: First Bitcoin ETF Will Be Loaded with Risk

Fund companies are racing hard to be the first to offer a bitcoin ETF. The Wall Street Journal's Michael Wursthorn reports on the risks...

ETF Investing: Avoid the Madness of Crowds

Look at the huge money flowing into all the same stuff. This isn’t rocket science. At some point, when the fuel runneth dry—down, down,...