Investing in the Forlorn, the Unloved, the Out-of-Favor, Part II
Dividend paying stocks may not always get the recognition they most certainly deserve (they are now!). But they some how have a knack of...
The Prudent Man: The Wisest Action is Sometimes No Action
What is the key to achieving the financial success you and your family deserve? Well, for one it’s about keeping it simple—Simple is Sophisticated....
Simple is Sophisticated: My Grandchildren’s “Rich as Croesus” Strategy Part II
Scene from Greek history: The deaf-mute son of King Croesus prevents the Persians from killing his father, by Salvator Rosa, c.1663-64.
Lucky you! You don’t...
Simple is Sophisticated: My Grandchildren’s “Rich as Croesus” Strategy
My father-in law Dick Young wrote this timeless issue in May 2006 in his monthly strategy report: Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report. Check back...
How to Become a Millionaire, Part II
The two most important words in investing, as I have been writing in Richard C. Young's Intelligence Report for decades, are compound interest.
Albert Einstein...
Are you a Speculator or an Investor?
John Maynard Keynes once compared investing to picking the winner of a beauty contest. Keynes argued that to win the contest one must choose...
The Monday Melee: Dividends or Buybacks?
Which Wins? Dividends or Buybacks?
CNBC reports that dividends are beating buybacks:
In the battle between the barons of buybacks and the divas of dividends, the...
How to Become a Millionaire, Part I
You may look at my headline with a touch of disbelief, and, to be honest, I would most often join you in the disbelief...
What I Have Learned from Dick Young
You’ve got mail. It’s always nice to get a gem of an email from a client.
If there is anything I have learned from Dick...
Your 8% Retirement Yield
In the March 2016 issue of Richard C. Young's Intelligence Report, Dick Young wrote that if you want to achieve an 8% long-term yield...