For the first time in a decade the U.S. is the world’s most competitive economy. That according to the World Economic Forum rankings. Thank you President Trump. And the good news is, there’s room for improvement.
I can tell you from my conversations with investors that Trump has brought a new level of energy, an energy that was missing in the Obama years. And, finally, the misguided zero percent interest rate policy—a brutal time for savers as their life savings earned nothing as it was given away for free to Wall Street—may be behind us.
Which leads me to believe that this is a wonderful time for you to guide your financial ship back on course. There is a lot of cash floating aimlessly in the financial harbor so to speak. Now is the time to put your zero percent money back to work. It’s time to set sail. Because the Trump bond revolution is unfolding before your very eyes and it would be a terrible thing to waste sitting on your mooring.
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