Your Survival Guy returned home from work yesterday (yes, going to the office is still a thing) to: “The heat isn’t working upstairs.”
I’ll let you guess who said it, considering we’re now empty nesters. If our dog could talk, his eyes were saying, “You might want to go back to work.” On the coldest day of the year (so far), it was the second time we turned on the heat or tried to this year.
Which brings me to another note to self: “When the AC wasn’t working a couple of months ago, maybe that was a good time to get the heating system checked out. Just saying.”
Action Line: Look, I’m Your Survival Guy. I’m trying to help. In times like these, when everything seems to take longer than it used to, I suggest planning for the worst and hoping for the best. Because we know hope is not a strategy to live by.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.