By stockcreations @

In my conversations with you, you’re telling me about your bow hunting expeditions this season. Yesterday I spoke with two of you about your recent hunts, and you told me you’re good to go for the winter. The freezer’s packed with meat. I guess it should be no surprise the large number of hunters in Your Survival Guy’s network.

Like fishing, sometimes getting your catch home can be like The Old Man and the Sea, where one client found himself a long way from his ATV with a Pope and Young size buck. “I’m gonna need some help here,” he thought. Luckily his buddy was there. Mission accomplished.

In my second conversation, my client Scott told me he’s carved out a nice Survival Guy lifestyle for his family with the purchase of a farm and the acreage to boot. Scott’s a tech guy by trade, and in our talks, he explains to Your Survival Guy what he does, and I try to keep up with him.

You know I’m asked all the time about bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and other high-flying corners of the market. And I’ve told you I’m a fan of the tech behind a lot of them, like blockchain, but I’m not always a buyer. The way I like to think about technology is to look at a company that pays dividends and utilizes tech. A great example is Home Depot. Its supply chain management is a miracle of modern business, and to top it off, it has a ten-year dividend growth rate of 20.30%.

Yesterday morning, in speaking with my father-in-law Richard Young he said, “Listen, Survival Guy, investing is about quantitative math. You know, dividends, interest, compounding, time. Speculation concerns qualitative themes, often abstract and or debatable. It’s unwise to mix the two. Comprende?”

“Yes,” I said.

“When considering any type of investing, one of the key ingredients in the recipe to achieving good returns is time. It is fundamental to determining the rate of return. The longer you compound anything, the greater your returns can augment,” from The Handbook of Dividend Achievers.

With the help of technology, Scott and his son turned his property into a virtual grid tracking seasonal deer movement patterns like rush hour traffic in New York City. They developed a to-do list and a model, and together they were able to determine the best place to set up. The result is worth a thousand words. Click here to see the kill. But only if you’re serious.

Action Line: If someone you care about can benefit from the miracle of compound interest, then click here and send with love.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy