By Ed Dods @

Happy Monday from Your Survival Guy. Here’s your midseason ski report. In a word: busy. And here’s my number one recommendation if you’re retired or have a flexible schedule: If you can, go on a weekday or non-holiday week. Folks are flocking to the slopes to get outside and do something.

Another reason for the uptick in skiers? The distance between east and west is a lot less than it used to be. Skiing select mountains on your Epic or Icon pass has opened the wild, wild west to east coast sea creatures. And the amount of snow out west compared to the east can be night and day. Steamboat, CO has over 300 inches of snow so far this season. Wow.

For example, Attitash, where we ski here in New Hampshire, is owned by Vail Resorts. You can use your pass there and at every mountain owned by Vail and then some. It’s like a free lift ticket. All you need to do is just get there, find a place to stay, and pay for food. Not exactly free, but believe me, it’s made a huge impact on ski traffic, much to the chagrin of locals.

Action Line: If you like to ski/snowboard, this is a great time to get out there and make it happen. As Warren Miller would say, “If you don’t do it this year, you’ll be one year older when you do.”

Your Survival Guy with Warren Miller.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy