By KinkarkinPhoto @

Yesterday we entered a bull market with the Dow advancing 20% from it’s most recent low. Big deal.

We are certainly seeing price discrepancies, especially in the fixed income market and have tied down some attractive yields for potentially years to come.

The key to investing in markets like these is to stay focused, be patient, and always be ready to make a move when the research begins to show some real values.

I have no interest in worrying if the coast is clear. That’s not investing. But seeking values certainly is.

You have spoken and I have listened. Here’s what you told me: How much you miss Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report, especially if you’re not a client. I’m not saying that to rub anything in, this is not the reason for writing this. I just want you to know that you’re not alone and your words are not forgotten.

This is my message to you today from one client: “E.J., times like these are why I’m with you guys. I’m good. Thanks for the call.”

Read my entire series, Coronavirus Infects Stock Market here.

Originally posted on Your Survival Guy