Your Survival Guy had the pleasure of attending a Babson College cocktail party last night at the New York Yacht Club here in Newport, RI. It was a beautiful night. The recent heat wave had broken the night before. The wind was light from the southeast, coming in over the trees, making Newport Harbor look so inviting for boaters with hardly a wave to be seen. Our son will be a freshman at Babson in a couple of weeks. When asked if he has any family members that attended Babson, he replied, “Yes, my grandfather, uncle, mom, and dad.”
It’s hard to believe Becky and I graduated in 1994. I don’t feel that old, but it’s a long time ago now. I guess it’s true that you never really stop thinking like a younger version of yourself. Sure, your body reminds you of the truth regularly, but we always feel much younger than we are. After a certain age, our mind keeps us young. Isn’t it nice to be stuck in time?
But time’s a funny thing. It’s sneaky. It takes forever waiting in line at baggage claim or being stuck in traffic but the next thing you know it’s been close to thirty years since college, or more. Where’d the time go? With the constant barrage of news, it’s hard to unplug from what’s going on in the world right now—this morning.
But if you create a plan that’s focused on my three favorite letters, Y-O-U, and stick to it, you can be a compounding machine in life. This isn’t about money. It’s about you. It’s so you can look back and say, “I’m glad I did that.”
Action Line: Your Survival Guy’s favorite number is 72 because it illustrates how you can easily teach someone you love the power of being a compounding machine. Because one morning you wake up and your kids or grandkids are in college. Imagine how much time they have to learn a most valuable lesson from you. If you need help building a portfolio focused on compounding, contact me by clicking here. If you want to get to know me better before we talk, click here to subscribe to my free monthly Survive & Thrive letter.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.