Financial Security

Don’t Be on Their Radar, Get Out of Debt Now

If they’re going to penalize you for saving, you had better learn how to play their game. Because indebted Americans are their bread and...

You Can Be a F.I.R.E. Starter

I want you to visit my series on FIRE, Financial Independence, Retire Early, here: Living Your Best Life: FIRE!: Are you familiar with the FIRE...

Fire Yourself Up: Financial Independence Retire Early

Are you familiar with the cool movement called FIRE or Financial Independence Retire Early? As the word Early implies, it’s taken hold of a...

If You Can, Tell Retirement “Not Yet”

Not many industries have been devastated by COVID-19 like the airline industry. Airlines are firing personnel, including highly skilled pilots, and asking others to...

Is Your Cash Safe? Probably not This Safe

How well are you securing your cash and valuables? Do you have a safe at home? A safe is an obvious choice for convenience,...

How to Treat Your Money (Hint: Not Like this Guy)

You and I know retirement income is hard to come by today—it’s what the weather is. You and I also know we can’t do...

Joe Died Suddenly, What If It Were You?

What if you die suddenly? It’s a question that’s been on my mind because it happened to a long-time client of mine. We’ll call...

Why You Are Your Most Valuable Asset

You have the unique ability to understand your financial situation if you can take emotion out of the equation. But unless you have an...

Pension Funds in Blue States are Playing You

If you are relying on a pension fund in a blue state, you're being played. Blue states that have mismanaged their fiduciary obligations are...

With Headlines Like These, Is it Any Wonder Americans Are Escaping the City?

You know by now that Americans are rushing to escape the city. They're looking for a better America where they can raise their children,...